Credit: Communist Chinese North Koreans — Brothers in Genocide, by Kal Korff.

New Axis of Totalitarianism: North Korea, Russia and China

Kal Korff
9 min readJun 19, 2024


The recent mutual defense pact now signed between Communist North Korea and Russia, coupled with China’s strategic positioning, has dangerous existential implications for global geopolitics. This alliance is a new “Axis of Totalitarianism,” these are its impacts.

Kal K Korff

The Pact: North Korea and Russia have a shared interests in challenging the current international order dominated by the United States and its allies. For Russia, its primary goal is to regain power in former Soviet territories, including Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, etc. President Vladimir Putin’s war intends to cement Russia as the dominant power in Eastern Europe, by force if necessary, resisting NATO and EU expansion. The war in Ukraine, now fueled by North Korean weapons and supplies, proves this agenda.

North Korea, under its Communist dictator Kim Jong-un, seeks to leverage its position between China and Russia. By aligning with Russia, North Korea gains access to military tech and economic support, crucial for its survival in getting around international sanctions. This pact also empowers Pyongyang to balance its over the top dependancies on China, enhancing its strategic autonomy in this wink and nod arrangement.

Implications for Global Security

This new mutual defense pact implies a commitment to military cooperation and support, raising the stakes for any conflict involving either nation. For Russia, this means a reliable ally in East Asia, diverting international attention and potentially splitting the focus of Western powers. For North Korea, this now means a bolstered defense against perceived threats from the United States and South Korea.

This alliance also sends a message to other authoritarian regimes that defiance against the West can be sustained through mutual strategic partnerships. Putin this another way — the USA, EU; even the very existence of genuine Democracy and Freedom itself are all irrelevant, they cannot really protect you — this is the message from Putin, China and North Korea.

It is now vital, for just as the free world once resisted the march of tyranny and totalitarianism by stopping Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, we must now in 2024 unite together and do the same again unless we want Communism, Chinese or North Korean style, or whatever one calls Russia; if one wants the world to be ruled by dictatorships instead of by the people, for the people and of the people, we are now at the crossroads of our existence as a species.

Either humanity will finally do what is right to stop this and permanently destroy these threats to our literal existence, or we will cower and continue to be victimized by them, especially by our refusal to do what is not only right; but what we claim and know and have proven what we stand for. History proves that when Hitler was not opposed early on when he should have been, the cost of defeating Hitler was millions of dead and billions of dollars more later, all needless and entirely wholly avoidable if only acted on sooner.

China: Divide and Rule, Strategic Ambitions

China stands as the third arm of this totalitarian axis, with ambitions to become the world’s top global power, it knows Russia will never be an economic threat to it. Beijing’s strategy revolves around economic dominance, military expansion, political influence. Its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is China’s economic Trojan Horse strategy to create and subvert dependencies and extend its influence globally.

With this new North Korea-Russia pact, China benefits from a divided and distracted West. By supporting North Korea economically and politically, China ensures that its buffer state remains stable and aligned with its interests. Additionally, China’s tacit support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine serves to weaken Western unity and create openings for Beijing to expand, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, especially at Japan’s expense.

Taiwan: China’s Next Target

China’s ambitions also include Taiwan, which it views as a breakaway province, despite this never being true. The recent increase in military activity around Taiwan, coupled with the expansion of its nuclear arsenal by as much as 66 percent, even leaked recordings to the media by this Analyst of strategy and invasion docs and meetings, prove Beijing is preparing for conflict. It will dare the west to try to stop it, the same way Putin has in Ukraine. China’s plans to reunify Taiwan by 2025 or 2030 underscore the urgency for the West to respond decisively.

West’s Response: NATO, EU Unity

The West must reinforce and vastly strengthen NATO and EU unity to counter this new threat. This involves increasing military presence in Eastern Europe, providing sustained support to Ukraine, ensuring all member states are aligned in their policies toward Russia. Expanding NATO’s presence in the Baltic states and Poland can serve as a deterrent against further Russian aggression. It is time to now integrate Ukraine into the EU and NATO, Putin would not dare attack.

Economic Sanctions and Diplomatic Pressure

Imposing much stricter economic sanctions on Russia and North Korea is essential to curtail their military capabilities. Sanctions should target key industries, financial institutions, and individuals involved in the defense pact. Additionally, diplomatic pressure on China to distance itself from this axis can help isolate Russia and North Korea. Economic sanctions against China must also now happen in earnest, without its financial clout, the communist Party of China is severely weakened.

Support for Ukraine

Providing comprehensive military and economic support to Ukraine is crucial. This includes advanced weaponry, intelligence sharing, and financial aid to sustain its defense efforts. The West must also push for diplomatic solutions that respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensuring any peace agreements are enforced by international mechanisms.

The West must strengthen alliances in the Indo-Pacific to counterbalance China. This means deepening ties with India, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Philippines, etc. Enhanced military cooperation, joint exercises, intelligence sharing and economic integrations can only help create a robust defense network against Chinese aggression. Investing in advanced technology and cybersecurity is vital to protect against hybrid warfare tactics employed by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. This includes securing critical infrastructure, enhancing cyber defenses, and developing countermeasures against disinfo campaigns.

Impacts — United States, Europe

The USA faces the challenge of addressing multiple threats simultaneously. The North Korea-Russia pact complicates efforts to manage tensions in Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific. America must increase its military readiness, enhance diplomatic efforts, and support allies to maintain global stability.

European nations, specifically those in Eastern Europe, are directly threatened by Russia’s ambitions. The EU must prioritize defense spending, improve energy security and eliminate entirely, buying or using Russian anything, support frontline states like Ukraine and Moldova. European unity is essential to present a cohesive front against enemies and destroyers of freedom and democracy.

India and Japan are Key

India’s strategic position makes it a key player in countering China’s influence. Strengthening the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) with the U.S., Japan, and Australia provides a counterbalance to China’s ambitions. Additionally, deepening economic ties with Europe and the U.S. reduces India’s dependence on China. Here are ten major impacts on Japan and India, both of whom are now threatened by this new North Korea Russia defense alliance. Both Japan and India must work together as never before. India has bodies, Japan has tech, ordnung Oriental style. Communist China cannot beat a determined Japan.

1. Increased Military Threat

  • Impact: The mutual defense pact will now lead to a more aggressive military posture by North Korea and Russia in the region, directly threatening Japan’s and India’s security.
  • Solution: Japan and India should enhance their defense capabilities, including expanding missile defense systems like AEGIS, increasing the deployment of drone swarms, developing hypersonic weapons and glide bombs.

2. Nuclear Proliferation

  • Impact: North Korea’s ongoing nuclear development, now potentially supported by Russian technology, raises the risk of nuclear proliferation in the region.
  • Solution: Strengthen international non-proliferation efforts and increase intelligence and surveillance activities to monitor and counter nuclear threats.

3. Economic Instability

  • Impact: Heightened military tensions can disrupt trade routes and economic stability.
  • Solution: Diversify trade partnerships and reduce dependency on China by relocating supply chains to countries like India, Japan, and Vietnam. What is necessary, is always wise.

4. Regional Power Imbalance

  • Impact: The pact could shift the regional power balance, emboldening China to take more aggressive actions, particularly regarding Taiwan and disputed territories with India, Philippines.
  • Solution: Strengthen regional alliances through frameworks like the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) and enhance military cooperation with the U.S. and other allies.

5. Cybersecurity Threats

  • Impact: Increased cooperation between North Korea and Russia may lead to more sophisticated cyber attacks targeting Japan and India’s critical infrastructure.
  • Solution: Invest in advanced cybersecurity measures and collaborate with international partners to share intelligence and develop countermeasures.

6. Diplomatic Isolation

  • Impact: The pact might lead to diplomatic isolation for Japan and India if other nations perceive them as unable to counterbalance the new alliance effectively.
  • Solution: Engage in proactive diplomacy to build coalitions and reaffirm commitments to international security and stability.

7. Arms Race

  • Impact: The pact could trigger an arms race in the region, with increased military spending and development of new weapons systems.
  • Solution: Promote arms control agreements and participate in dialogues aimed at reducing regional tensions and preventing an unchecked arms race.

8. Maritime Security Challenges

  • Impact: North Korea’s and Russia’s increased naval activities could threaten maritime security in key shipping lanes, affecting Japan and India’s trade.
  • Solution: Strengthen naval capabilities and participate in joint maritime patrols and exercises to ensure the security of vital sea routes.

9. Terrorism and Insurgency

  • Impact: Enhanced military ties between North Korea and Russia could indirectly support terrorist or insurgent groups hostile to Japan and India.
  • Solution: Increase counter-terrorism cooperation and intelligence sharing with international partners to disrupt and prevent such threats.

10. Energy Security

  • Impact: Tensions arising from the pact could threaten energy security, particularly for Japan, which relies heavily on imported energy resources.
  • Solution: Diversify energy sources and invest in renewable energy to reduce dependency on unstable regions.

Leveraging India’s Strategic Position

India’s strategic position is a significant advantage in countering China’s influence. The fact that India’s presence necessitates China to deploy two-thirds of its Air Force to Western China effectively tying it up, highlights India’s strategic importance and Chinese Communist paranoia. India can leverage this by:

  1. Strengthening Military Readiness: Enhance border defenses and maintain a robust military presence to deter any aggressive moves by China.
  2. Diplomatic Alliances: Deepen ties with regional powers and global players, reinforcing India’s role as a counterbalance and Kingmaker in the area, against China. It’s India or China, period.
  3. Economic Diversification: Encourage multinational companies to relocate from China to India, Vietnam or other logical nations, offering stable and large market for manufacturing, services.
  4. Technological Advancements: Invest in advanced military technologies such as drone swarms, hypersonic weapons, sophisticated missile defense systems like AEGIS to maintain a vital edge.

Technological and Economic Countermeasures

AEGIS and Drone Swarms

  • Impact: Enhanced missile defense systems like AEGIS and the deployment of drone swarms provides a robust defense against missile threats and enhance surveillance capabilities.
  • Solution: Increase investments in these technologies and conduct joint exercises with allies to improve operational readiness and integration.

Hypersonic Weapons and Glide Bombs

  • Impact: Developing hypersonic weapons and glide bombs offset to an impactful degree, China’s expanding nuclear arsenal, providing a credible deterrent.
  • Solution: Accelerate research and development in these areas, ensuring that both Japan and India possess advanced strike capabilities.

Economic Diversification

  • Impact: Reducing dependency on China’s supply chains will mitigate economic risks and enhance resilience.
  • Solution: Encourage companies to relocate manufacturing to India, Japan, and Vietnam, offering incentives and creating favorable business environments.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The mutual defense pact between North Korea and Russia, coupled with China’s strategic positioning, poses significant challenges to global security, particularly for Japan and India. By enhancing military capabilities, leveraging strategic positions, and diversifying economic dependencies, these nations can effectively counter the emerging threats. The West, including the United States and its allies, must support these efforts through diplomatic, economic, and military cooperation to ensure regional stability and global peace.

Most importantly, the USA and all concerned nations, must now switch to being proactive, instead of always being mostly reactive, stop playing politics with the fate of humanity.

The mutual defense pact between North Korea and Russia, with China’s strategic support, is a significant threat to global security, especially India, Japan,. USA and Europe. The West must now and immediately respond decisively to counter these axis expansions of totalitarianism. Strengthening alliances, imposing sanctions, supporting Ukraine, enhancing military capabilities, investing in technology are essential steps to ensure a stable and secure international order. Yet this must also be the beginning.

This emerging alliance challenges the very values of democracy, sovereignty, human rights and human dignity itself. The international community must unite to defend these principles and protect the global order from these evil, ambitions dictator regimes. The stakes are existential, the time for action is now!


The author is President and CEO of, decades long career Analyst, Intelligence Officer and Investigative Journalist who has reported extensively on Russia, Communist China, North Korea, Ukraine, Iran, Middle East and Europe in hundreds of articles and full page specials from 27 countries. Email:



Kal Korff
Kal Korff

Written by Kal Korff

Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Columnist, Intelligence Officer, Inv. Journalist, Lecturer, Host: Kal’s Korner podcast. 10,000+ articles, 12 books published.

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