The Satan Bug
Coronavirus Hits 22 Countries, USA Declares Emergency, Indian Govt Recommends Homeopathy, Proper Hygiene To Fight Epidemic, WHO Declares Global Emergency
Kal K Korff
February 2, 2020
“The main reason is not what is happening in China, but what is happening in other countries. Our greatest concern is the potential for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, and which are ill-prepared to deal with it,”
– World Health Organization
The deadly Coronavirus has now arrived in India, the USA has declared a national emergency, imposing a 14 day quarantine for people who have been evacuated from China. In all, nearly 80,000 people in 22 countries are now infected. The World Health Organization has declared a global emergency.
As of this reporting, as many as 250 people have died, with reports rampant of much larger numbers of deaths, either being underreported for a variety of reasons, including allegations of a “cover-up” by Chinese government officials, specifically the Communist Party and its dictator for life, Xi Jinping.
While serious reporting about this disaster must remain free of politics and jabs, unfortunately where it concerns Communist China, it is impossible to separate politics from almost anything of note that happens in this locked down country. China is the world’s largest dictatorship, period. Its complete and total control over its own citizenry now includes a 24/7 monitoring behemoth euphemistically called a “Social Credit System.” This worse than Orwellian reality helps insure that it has the means, literally, to do as its Dear Leader solely pleases. Where it concerns this outbreak, it is the will, literally, of Chinese President-for-as-long-as-he-wants-the-job, Xi Jinping, which matters. Jinping is also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. Just how he manages the who, what, where, when, why and how of this virus catastrophe which has erupted out of control due in no small part because of the nature of his totalitarian regime — all final decisions are ultimately up to him.
Vowing to contain what he describes as a “Demon outbreak,” it is Jinping and his Communist Party who are being openly criticized for needlessly and inexcusably delaying their official news to the world, the Communist Party’s equivalent of what was essentially, “Wuhan, we have a problem.”
According to Zhou Xianwang, Mayor of Wuhan, which is the epicenter of the Coronavirus disaster, in his initial early remarks after official disclosure of this epidemic was formally announced, he complained that the first cases had really occurred much earlier in December 2019, but that the Communist Party and Chinese government ordered complete censorship.
“We haven’t disclosed information in a timely manner and also did not use effective information to improve our work.” Elaborating, Xianwang explained that any major decision or the release of what he described as being “sensitive information,” first required clearance from Beijing and the Central Committee. In an emergency of this scale, even when the first outbreak reports proved that this was a seriously, deadly problem, Xi Jinping was fully in the loop as were officials acting and speaking on behalf of him and his regime. This is beyond dispute.
Instead of revealing the truth as early as it could, official disclosure was delayed until New Year’s Eve 2019, a cold, arguably cynical move and decision designed to somehow cushion the blow to the rest of the world while it was busy partying away welcoming in the new year, 2020.
On January 26th, Mayor Xianwang revealed that by the time his city was locked down, more than five million residents had already left. Think about this for a moment. Five million!
Virus Origins, Deadliness
The last time a major fatal viral outbreak such as this occurred in China was during the SARS crisis. Depending on whom counted, some 800–900 people died. What makes the Coronavirus especially deadly at present is that it has never been observed before by scientists until now. Not only is it a species jumper, it has now attacked human beings and is killing them.
According to Chinese officials, the Coronavirus is far more difficult to defeat because it is contagious even during its incubation timeframe. Scientists have now documented cases of people becoming ill as long as 12–14 days later after having first been exposed to the virus. With this longer than usual time window, trying to stop it is a ‘sniper’s game’ per se.
This writer has data mined the National Center for Biotechnology Information and National Institute of Health’s GenBank collaborative genetic sequencing databases. A search reveals the curious fact that in a case in Shenzhen, China, a family of five were sickened by the Coronavirus. Genetic sequencing of these five family member victims, shows that each was infected with a uniquely different mutation. Meaning, each time Coronavirus infected each member of this family, it mutated. It was 5–5.
This fact has led some researchers to ask the valid question of whether or nor the Coronavirus was artificially engineered or not. With the ability to mutate with each instance of infecting a person or host, developing treatments or even vaccines for it to keep it in check will be more difficult, versus if it were one virus ‘flavor’ for all.
Rumors posted online on the so-called ‘Dark Web’ of the Internet and via Russian GRU sponsored ‘QAnon’ messaging, have been very effective in spreading falsehoods and rumors about the Coronavirus epidemic, such as the United States “weaponizing” it. Russia has closed parts of its common borders with China in response to this crisis.
If China or USA did create this virus in a lab, and there is no credible evidence that this is the case, this does not automagically mean that what has now since happened was either deliberate or planned. It is possible (but again there is no evidence this is true), that one or more workers could have been infected with the virus, but were unaware of it. Once they left their facility, it spread because of the inherent nature of the Coronavirus.
Yes, this is a popular theory, without any credible evidence. Indeed, most experts agree and have traced the outbreak of the Coronavirus back to the open and exposed unsanitary food markets Communist China is well and deservedly infamous for. This problem of lack of everything from proper basic hygiene practices to deliberately not bothering to enforce proper food safety and health conditions, is a key culprit. This problem, which is self-inflicted, is not unique to China. In truth, it is inherent throughout most of Asia.
Surprisingly, in a good way, it has taken this long for the first case of the Coronavirus to appear in India. Scientists thought an outbreak might occur sooner, due to India and China sharing common borders. Indian students who were abroad in Wuhan have been flown back and are being quarantined. Unfortunately a student from Kerala has been diagnosed with the virus after landing in India. This is a developing situation, especially when one considers the dynamics of two problematic factors: it might be as long as two weeks before anyone shows symptoms; the air in commercial passenger planes is not only recycled, hence everyone breathes it; but there are no device mechanisms in the form of any type of filtering system that could prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Instead, the very dynamics inherent in air circulation issues on commercial airplane flights, especially on long overseas international ones, help facilitate the spread of germs and diseases due to the fact that the air all passengers breathe is recycled. The logic of this is obvious.
USA Moves Fast
Love him or hate him, that’s the way it is with American President Donald Trump, his administration has commendably moved fast and has now declared a national emergency. Specifically, the U.S. Department of State officially announced that 195 Americans who were flown back to the United States, they had traveled to the Hubei Province in China, were now being held in quarantine for 14 days. To put this decision into proper historic perspective, this is the first time in 50 years that the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, popularly known as the CDC, has imposed a quarantine. In America, people in several states are now infected, including California, Arizona, Washington. California and Washington are states whose populations travel more extensively than in other parts of the USA. Not only are there huge numbers of Chinese and Indians living in America, they also travel in large globally,
Back to India
Now that India has its first incident of the Coronavirus, the fear is that like in China, it will spread now rapidly and too fast for authorities to contain it with little loss of life. These are the facts. They are inherent by the very dynamics of this crisis, combined with sharing the same unsafe practices China and much of Asia engage in concerning food and hygienic safety.
Indeed, the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India and China. Beijing and Delhi, perennially fight for which city is the world’s most polluted. This real example and scientific fact, further drives home the point that in countries where unacceptable standards and unsafe practices are the norm, widespread disasters are guaranteed. For the reality is that regardless of where one lives, there are simple, basic things everyone can and should do to help prevent the spread of diseases.
The first simple step is to wash your hands several times a day. Most people never bother to do this. It’s not hard. In climates where there is much heat and especially humidity, this applies to much of Asia and especially India, it is important to wash your hands more often than in colder or more dry environments. Remember simple facts: when you sweat, you spread even more germs. When you sneeze, viruses and germs are expelled from you at speeds of up to 100 mph. Airborne viruses which are lighter than air, can stay active as in alive and float in the air and land on you for as long as 45 minutes, perhaps up to an hour. Depends on the virus, conditions, other physics. As we have seen with the Coronavirus, it’s
extremely infectious, even with proper precautions. Do not prepare foods improperly nor consume them. Do not share them with anyone if they are not done right. No compromises.
In times of dangerous outbreaks like this, it is also vital to avoid being misled by bogus “treatments” or claims of “preventative” cures, regardless of who or what entity is stating them. Unfortunately, this can include a country’s own government, or its officials.
A simple search on Google, shows that the Indian Government has now issued formal guidelines on how to take basic precautions to guard against getting the Coronavirus. As only India would do, unfortunately among this officially blessed list of governmental guidelines, it says one can use Homeopathy! Yes, folks, Homeopathy will help you avoid the Coronavirus, according to the Ministry of Alternative Medicine (AYUSH).
This is news to real science, as well as arguably every other nation. This was not a “printing mistake,” this is Indian taxpayer’s Rupees hard at work in times of very real public health crises. There is no credible defense for making this type of “recommendation” any sort of official policy.
Divided We Fall
When crises around the world reach the point where nations must band together to collectively solve them, it is of course the duty of every country to rise to the occasion and do exactly this. The Coronavirus epidemic is about much more than just defeating a new deadly virus.
For its very existence now in the human body, having jumped species because of human disregard for reality, this crisis is a deadly reminder that humans
reap what they sew, there is always cause and effect. We know the cause as well who the enemy is now – and it is us.